Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This song makes me cry..

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There’s always one reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there

So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There’s vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
You keep on building the lie
That you make up for all that you lack
It don’t make no difference
Escaping one last time
It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here

Bertahun kot tak dengar..sampai la malam tadi JAIME upload dalam FB.. i was like.. hey..i remember this song.. tapi dulu tak "notice" sebab kepala asik layan lagu-lagu club aje.. malam smalam bile layan.. sayu mautz.. sampai barair mata.. haha.. not just because of the Lyrics and the song itself.. Its SARAH MCLACHLAN voice who melt my heart.. she has the voice of an angel.. she just does'nt let u listen to the song but she makes you FEEL it too...

Perah Santan..

Aku baru balik dari Maluri..sebelum tu pi Jakel dan Cheras..its a bz day..but not "that" bz lah.. and its also a sunny..Sunny..SUNNY day...panas azab kot..aku yang jenis kuat berpeluh ni..mencurah-curah tumpah ke bumi.. *ayat caner tah..

Korunk tau tak ape maksud perah santan.. first time aku dengar pekataan ni...masa tu duduk FLAT SRI KOTA..BANDAR TUN RAZAK.. *kenapa caps? tataw.. masa tu aku kechil lagik..

"Long~~..tolong mak perah santan ni"...

Ye..kecik-kecik dah masuk dapur ni..dah ade 'bibik' pun..mesti tolong gak.. -__-".. kalau tak mak aku akan bertempik.. sampai pintu nombo 12 leh dengar..termasuk la tingat 11 ngan tingkat 13.. umah aku tingkat 12 pintu satu.. hik..Biasanya kalau style mak aku.. die akan blender kelapa yang aku jugak pi beli kat kedai bawah tu.. lepas tu campur air.. perah la genggam demi genggam..sampai kuar peluh-peluh manja aku..

sweet memory..hik

Tapi selain tu..ade maksud lain rupanya...sampai je kat sekolah rendah...aku dapat tau maksud kedua 'Perah Santan' ni which is PERASAN.. ye la masa budak-budak kan.. masing-masing kuat menyakat.. sakat-sakat bodoh tahap azab punya..

"Yasser.. Sabariah kem salam"

*kerut kening.."huh?" (nama betul aku YASSER btw)

"Ahahaha perah santan perah santan" (beramai-ramai)

Aku yang terpinga-pinga hanya mampu berkata 'babi'.. tapi dalam hati je.. itu pun lepas tau ape maksud dorunk ngan 'perah santan' tu.. kecik-kecik mencarut pun tak berani tapi skang?.. hik

Entry ni bukan pasal ape.. tadi aku ter-chat ngan sorunk budak 'perah santan'.. dah la sebelum tu aku baru post kat FB..

Panassss nau ari ni...senang je nak melenting.. -___-"

Tiba-tiba dier tuduh aku pakai taktik lama nak ngorat die.. i'm like WHAT THE FUCK??.. citernye macam ni..

Me -- Eh.. ko yang duk penara tu kan?
Santan -- Eeii.. ko salah orang ni beb..
Me -- lol.. ye ke.. sowi eh.. muka lebih kurang sama..
Santan -- haha..TAKTIK LAMA LA BEB.. sebab aku pun penah pakai..wakakaka
Me -- Ya Allah..maybe u rite.. but that is not my taktik ok..sowi (as in "sori skek")
Santan -- No Problem..

DAH LA DIE TUDUH AKU PAKAI TAKTIK LAMA NAK KENAL NGAN DIA.. PASTU PERASAN AKU MINTAK MAAF PLAK.. TAK KE POKEMAK PANGAI...panash la kalau dah pakai caps lock ni.. huh.. macam ke sial tahap konfiden sesetengah orang kan?.. barua.. Anyway.. aku terus delete Santan tu dari FB.. ngan aku senang.. wat aku nyampah.. aku delete kan je.. bukan macam sesetengah orang nak add sampai 5000 untuk cantikkan page.. yg betul-betul kenal tuan punya FB ade ke?.. but i'm glad dalam beratus-ratus.. aku betul-betul jumpa member yang betul-betul leh wat member.. :P...

Leng leng leng tergeleng-geleng-Out

Saturday, July 10, 2010


This thing happen A LOT to me lately.. and i'm..kinda getting worried and kinda frustrated to myself...i'm like..what the hell is wrong with me?..

Clumsy..careless..forgetful..necglectful or simply fool?..arghhhh tension sial..

Aku kalau keluar rumah..atau dari luar nak balik ke rumah..mesti ade barang tertinggal...yup..aku ulang balik..MESTI ADA BARANG TERTINGGAL... most of the time la.. Kunci.. or Handphone.. tu belum lagi barang-barang lain...

Sampai WANIE pun kene ingatkan kot... "Hp bawak tak?.. kunci bawak tak?.. barang ni bawak tak? barang tu bawak tak?".. pelupa azab la kot ya...

Last night..balik dari umah WANIE..aku pi Pelita Ampang ngan MELL.. makan minum segala...pok pek pok pek...pastu balik...sampai jer rumah..(masa tu dah mengantuk giler)...aku perasan HP takda...azab...aku dah cemas tapi mengantuk..so aku bukak FB...

Naik Hantu.. :P

Baru bangun tido.. -___-"


Malam tu.. eh salah.. Pagi tu.. bile MELL nampak status tu.. pukul 6 pagi baru nampak katanya... dier terus bergegas ke PELITA...THANK YOU SO MUCH MELL...Sampai jer kat Pelita dia tanya la staff-staff Pelita tu...mula-mula dorunk tak pecaya kalau tu MELL punya..which is KEMAK...pastu dorunk suh MELL call nombo aku..(bijak gak rupanya)...MELL call 3 4 kali baru la tukang mop tu bagi...

Thanks MELL...

Takleh nak ucap mekasih camana lagi tah..kalau kaya leh aku banjer..hik..

Tu salah satu la...malam tadi?..aku baru je beli rokok...baru layan sebat je..pastu terus pi KIA PENG anta baju customer ngan MELL...rokok tertinggal atas meja plak... -___-".. tak ke sial tu..tapi takde la aku mintak MELL amikkan ...he's done so much oredi...

Lagi satu KUNCI RUMAH HILANG... tertinggal dalam teksi.. i think.. -___-" dah satu keje plak nak duplicate sume balik...eeii tension!!..

Dah la..nak pakai hair straightener..

Sucky Sunday-Out

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Twilight Eclipse

Hik..2 hari sebelum premiere...aku tejumpa Dvd Eclipse kat pasar malam...i can't help it..so i bought it and Watched it..of course the quality is bad..but it's not that bad..tak seteruk yang aku jangka la..puas hati dan paham la jugak aku tengok..

This morning..i wanna share with u guys what i think about this movie..and of course there's gonna be some spoiler...If u hate spoiler..dont read this...coz it's gonna be FULL of it..just like BELLA is full of herself.. (yeah..i hate her)

As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge..Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger..By the way..do u know..they say Bella special ability is Accident prone..attracts bad luck and vampire cannot access her mind.. the last one sounds good..tapi yang lain tu bukan macam die tu pembawak sial ke.. nyusahkan orang caner tah.. dah satu keje pulak The Cullen asik nak protect die je.. Ngan team jacob pun susah payah nak tolong die...(menyampah sangat ni..hik)..anyway..

In the midst of it all..she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf..With her graduation quickly approaching..Bella has one more decision to make...mortal or vampire..

So yeah...it's all begin with a choice...

Dalam Bella mengada-ngada nak jadi Vampire ni...EDWARD masih cuba meyakinkan BELLA.."jangan jadi Pontianak bodo sebab ko takkan dapat hidup macam manusia biasa lagi..tak dapat jumpa family dan kawan-kawan yang lain"...I wish EDWARD say like that to her la..hahaha..but still BELLA degil..dan decide nak "berubah" masa hari dia graduate...

Dalam masa BELLA masih struggle nak decide what is best for her...kawan baik dia...JACOB BLACK...(hottie) pun masih cube memenangi hati BELLA..yeap..he fights for what he want too...he never give up and wont give up until BELLA is'nt BELLA anymore...if u know what i mean..

This poses a hard decision for BELLA because a life with EDWARD would mean leaving her entire human life behind.. And a life with JACOB would allow her to continue her life with her family and friends or even start a new family..

Dalam struggle gile nak wat keputusan..BELLA discover...with JACOB persistence..she loves JACOB too.. (bluwekkkkkkkk gile tamak)...and she is forced to decide who is the best choice for her...


Meanwhile.. VICTORIA.. yang masih berdendam dengan BELLA sebab bf die JAMES kene bunuh dengan EDWARD sebab BELLA jugak..(banyaknye nama)...tengah kumpul askar pontianak..starting with RILEY yang perasan VICTORIA sayangkan dia..but nope.. :P..she's just using him...

Jangan mara VICTORIA.. if u in her shoes.. and u are a vampire?..what chu gonna do.. :-) so she's not that bad.. i'd do the same..

Anyway did u know VICTORIA dalam ECLIPSE dilakonkan oleh pelakon yang lain?.. It's BRYCE DALLAS HOWARD who got the job ;-) Always love her..since The Village (M.NIGHT SYAMALAN's) selain daripada LADY IN THE WATER and SPIDERMAN 3..at least i know RACHELLE LEFERVE is being replaced by a Talented actress like BRYCE..so to all the haters..Shut The Eff Up..

back to Twilight.. :P

It is in JACOB and EDWARD mutual concern for BELLA safety where they find common ground and agree to fight VICTORIA and her army together...


Aku bagi movie ni 3.5 bintang je sebab movie ni banyak buat aku skip2 ke babak lain..sebab tak tahan tgk scene cinta 3 segi dorunk..rimas nau..But i love the scene where THE CULLENS chasing VICTORIA in the woods (other than the Big Battle la)...do u know VICTORIA special ability is 'Evade'..which means..no one can catch her even the wolves..tapi last2 dia mati gak di tangan EDWARD..sebab masa die nak lari..EDWARD provoke die ngan nama JAMES..so VIC naik hantu dan serang EDWARD...

BIG MISTAKE....coz..

R.I.P VICTORIA.. :"(....

Dah tengahari.. pakcik sangat lapar.. :P.. anyway Today is the premiere for Twilight..Enjoy your movie yer :-D..owh by the way..at the end of this movie..BELLA is still a pathethic human..

Go Team Jacob! AAWWUUUUUUUUU - Out

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Monday Morning =____=

Good Morning Malaysia~...

Lately ni bangun pagi or even tengahari (mostly tengahari :P) mesti sejuk gile..sampai bisa2 kaki aku..berjalan pun sakit dibuatnya...nampak sangat dah senja ni...azab -__-'.. ingat pasni nak pi Ampang carik barang tuk bilik.. asik tido ruang tamu je... bukan tkde bilik sendiri.. tapi malas nau nak penuhkan..sakit ati sangat tengok bilik yang ditinggalkan.... erm.. nvm..
Dalam entry sebelum ni... aku beriya nau nak beli phone dari SAMEON kan...

erk..later la..nk pi keje...

2.00 pagi..so kire rabu pagi?... -__-"

Aku kat Mekdi ngan MELL... dah brapa lama tah MELL menyepikan diri.. sibuk memenuhkan rumah die ngan perabot-perabot baru.. mentang-mentang dapat kad kredit Platinum pejadah tah dari lover die...sakit nau hati...Patutnya kitorunk kuar ngan EPPY malam ni.. tapi EPPY lebih mementingkan aktiviti sexnya kat SEGAMBUT...kemak EPPY

Pose satt~...

Hik..leh tukar tajuk tengah-tengah entry ni...azab caner tah nak update satu entry pun..

UNFORTUNATELY for SAMEON...aku tak jadi beli handphone die..sebab WANIE n FIEBIE mencadangkan aku amik BLACKBERRY sahaja...aku jenis yg tk kisah sgt brand2 ni asalkan ade mp3 n camera..tu je..so i can blog sambil upload pic2 tu je yg aku penting kan..aku tk amik port pun sape BB ni..tapi... hik

Bila tengok kat FB..lepas sorunk..sorunk..asik post status...VIA BLACKBERRY.. anasshhhh nau hati nih..so when WANIE n FIEBIE gave me that idea.. hmm..persis bisikan syaitan..aku terus setuju..*matila kata dorunk syaitan..haha..

So next month..keyword..CURVACIOUS...hahaha..tak saba nak post first status by BB...