Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Anggurnya si Platipus..

Tu diah..catchy x catchy lah tajuk aku pun..

Malam ni..seorang lagi housemate aku dah keluar dari rumah...tapi takde la selisih faham ke ape (is it?)...keluar sbb tekanan hidup..korang pun tau kan..macam mana terjejasnya hidup marhaen selepas PKP...yang dibuang kerja..yang bisnes slow..🙋‍♂️..kedai ditutup..hotel ditutup...depression and what not..memang struggle giler for some people nak cari duit or kerja..

My housemate is one of em...

The day he moved in and lived with us..was the day..he quit his job..


But then again it was his choice..As long he pay his rent and everything..i dont think much about him being an Anggur from that moment...

Seorang housemate yang baik...selera humor dan cara bersosial yang sangat berbeza..but not an ass like some of my previous housemate...well...NOT an ass actually..maybe the way we do thing and handle things differently...lepas tu clash crash boom2 wala2 bing other words..Tak serasi..

Anyway today is Sept 30th..time to pay rent and all the of course me..seeing the big elephant in the room..tanya la housemate aku pasal sewa dia yang die baru bayar separuh..xde la nak paksa or peras duit orang yang tgh jobless kan..i understand his situation..its that ade something yang buat aku tertanya-tanya...So me...trying to be a new me..whatsapp dia..tanya terus terang...

"Kau ni bila nak kerja lahanat?"..

KIDDIN!! not that mean..but u guys get my point right..anyway im just gonna paste it this!..

There..ini bukan sekali je..yg aku amik gambar iklan..tiap kali aku keluar ngan Hitam...semua iklan yang aku nampak..aku snap dan bagi pic...MR.DIY..Family Mart..Kedai Perabot..Kedai Makan...Semua aku snap..untuk dia pergi kedai tu tanya...

Ini tak..dia duduk mengkhatamkan movie2 yang aku download sambil menghabiskan snack aku dalam kabinet..selama SEBULAN..🤣🤣🤣...Aku x kisah pun..tapi bila effect duit sewa..terpaksa la tebalkan muka bertanya...hasilnya?..

TADI...Tadi ye..die angkut barang dia berakhirnya hidup platipus di teratak buruk kami..Si Hitam dan Si Buruk Rupa...

Makan duluu..

Tak Boleh kuat lagila bunyik Grindr kau kat kedai makan ni hanat?..

#SalahkaAku #SalahAkuKe #SalahSiapa

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Blog Apps

I Have no fucking idea there was an app.for yea im That bimbo..

Aku taip la blogger dalam playstore tu..rupanya berlambak..terus app yang selalu aku owned by GOOGLE..

And thank god..i still remember my password..walaupun dah berhabuk..chatbox x aktif..nuffnang dah story still in here..

Hey there u little i can talk shit whenever n wherever i want..hikk..

I am annoyed as fuck..bila orang bercerita panjang2 dalam status facebook dorunk..for me..status yg ringkas dan padat..dah cukup memuaskan..bitch if u wanna 3k words on your facebook status..baek kau lazy eyes wont read that much shit on FB..

Same goes for twitter..these people wanna tell us a stories with 14 ratus segigih itu..demi like?..get a this age..i dont really care if people like or dislike me..

Ahh lapar...lets roti canai...

My god...i look old and deppressing...




8 years since i write my shit in here..ive lost interest in blogging for a very a long time..but...i think about it all the time honestly..its just that..i dont have my laptop anymore...

SEBENARNYA KAN!..takda laptop sebenarnya..

Anyway macam menyedihkan jugak bila mood kau datang..masa kau tengah sedih je...nampak sangat kau takda tempat mengadu...sumpah..banyak benda yang boleh dikongsikan dalam ni..theres just too much!..but lets just say my life has been goin down the drain since i cameback from Melbourne...

God how i miss MELBOURNE...i was healthy..i work hard......i mean as normal as others..not that hard actually..i call it hard because i worked my butt off at the farm..too bad there's no picture to prove it...nantila aku carik dalam memori facebook 5 tahun dulu..(good luck to me)

Bercakap pasal throwback..maybe aku akan story 1 by 1 highlite dalam hidup aku pasni...since theres so much to tell..Im gonna write bout the present day..


Skang aku duk SUNWAY..which is never part of my plan..i was OK..when i was in Ampang..until ive lost it with one of my best friend(housemate)...u see..being a PENYEWA myself..if theres one thing i learn about staying in a rent house is...BUAT KAWAN LAGI SENANG DARI BUAT HOUSEMATE...i mean u can befriend somebody for more then 10 years but its another thing living together as a housemate..

But lets not talk about that..

Aku pindah ke SUNWAY dalam bulan Januari kalau x silap..dengan berat hati dan ANXIETY nya..sebab..aku dah bertahun duduk kat ampang..membesar kat Ampang..and boleh dikira jugak la berapa kali aku datang SUNWAY ni..sebab jauh giler...but hey..if i can survive ALOR STAR..then i guess SUNWAY is nothing..lagipun SUNWAY pun bandar jugak,..aku ni orang bandar,,so whatever lah..

Dengan harapan nak mulakan hidup baru yang dah berapa kali aku pakai dan dah senipis rambut aku..aku pun pindah sini...atas cadangan HITAM..dan kawan2 yang lain..

Everything seems normal..i try to get to know Sunway..i got to know some new customers enviroment and what not...until..

COVID came..and theres a whole shitshow to come..
