Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Semalam..aku excited jer tgk budak gemuk ngan kurus tu menari ikut lagu PCD...i was soo excited..i almost tell all my fren to check out that vid..sampai la aku chat ngan JOEHANJ who gives different opinion...dier kenalkan aku ngan VOGUEING...pot pet pot pet..getting excited tgk video2 vogueing BATTLE..terus aku wiki vogueing tu apa...nah..mrasa aku paste kt sini..

Vogue or "voguing" is a highly stylized modern dance characterized by photo model-like poses integrated with angular, linear and rigid arm, leg, and body movements. Popularized by Madonna's song and video of the same name (see Vogue), the unique inner-city dance subculture was brought to international mainstream attention.

There are currently two distinct styles (or "schools") of vogue: Old Way (pre-1990) and New Way (post 1990). Old Way is characterized by formation of lines, symmetry, and precision in the execution of such formations and graceful, fluid-like action. New Way is characterized by a more rigid, geometric pattern movement coupled with "clicks" (limb contortions at the joints) and "arms control" (sleight of hand and wrist illusions, which usually include "tuts" or "tutting" and locking). New Way can also be described as a modified form of mime, where imaginary geometric shapes such as a box are introduced during motion and moved progressively around the dancer's body to display the dancer's dexterity and memory.

Kalau tak kuar lagu MADONNA tk kuar la vogueing ni kot..akak2 zaman madonna mmg kreatif kan...masa aku memula aku tgk video org vogueing i laugh my ass off..sebab dorunk jalan mcm itik..and keep posing with their hand..not that i think it was stupidly funny..but i think its cute and i kinda like it...especially the OLD WAY...yang NEW WAY tu..yg badan flexi2 jer la boleh buat...tapi bukan jenis takat letak kaki korunk kat bahu org jer ok..*matila sempat carut...

VOGUEING ni..ekceli diasaskan oleh komuniti GAY at that time...it became so famous they starts to make their own group that include mostly people from the fashion industry...Ada HOUSE OF MIZRAHI..HOUSE OF MILAN..HOUSE OF MANOLO BLAHNIK...HOUSE OF REVLON dan banyak lagi lah...Yang paling famous ialah..HOUSE OF NINJA...ada 2 org yg paling famous la aku rasa dlm HOUSE of NINJA ni...1st is BENNY NINJA..kalau ada sesapa yang suka layan America's Next Top Model kt sini...mesti kenal BENNY NINJA...he's like POSING GURU in that show...BENNY is more into NEW WAY of vogueing...so korunk leh tgk mcm mana "flexi" nyer dier...hik

Vogueing show dari BENNY dan anak2 buah HOUSE OF NINJA..

Lagi sorunk ninja yg famous is..DANIELLE POLLANCO..and of course better known as DANIELLE NINJA...ni baru pic yg aku paste..belum utube lagik...hik..DANIELLE NINJA ni pernah menari untuk BEYONCE...JENNIFER LOPEZ..LL.COOL K...JANET JACKSON..and maybe ramai lagi...dan yang paling best..kalau korunk igt..dier penah berlakon dlm STEP UP 2:THE STREETS with BRIANNA EVIGAN and ROBERT HOFFMAN...dier berlakon sebagai MISSY...yeap..that sassy latina chick..KB pada ANDIE (Brianna) dalam movie tu..

Vogueing by DANIELLE NINJA..

So u think u can VOGUE?..hik..ekceli banyak lagi korunk leh tgk dlm youtube tu...ni yg aku tunjuk kire nk kenalkan korunk ngan bende ni je...ekceli ada lagi tau?..yang video kt atas tu hanya show..aku belum tunjuk BATTLE lagi...kalau korunk igt bebudak SHUFFLE or bebudak BIGBOYS...(bukan chub2 plu tu ye) je yg ada battle...Vogueing pun ada battle..and my favourite Vouger when it comes to battle is LEYOMI MIZRAHI..from HOUSE OF MIZRAHI of course...sometime known as SLEYOMI..as in SLAY..coz this bitch gonna slay u bad on the dancefloor...er..did i tell u she's a drag quuen?...she's soo taking the word FIERCE on to the next level...She's crazy...she's bad..she's good..damn good..taktau nak puji mcm mana dah..haha...just love her...

This is one of her best battle..U go SLEYOMI..

Aku pun tktau la nk citer pasal VOGUEING or the VVIP in VOGUEING kan..tapi rasanya sumer cukup kot..haha..saja nk kenalkan korunk ngan bebende ni..sebab kadang2 tak sanggup tgk PONDAN2..tetiba leh nk ikut anak ikan dorunk shuffle kt BB ari tu...dah la pondan2 baru naik ni..org akan asik perhati...either disuka or dikeji..ni tk cukup dikeji..leh feeling2 shuffle..aiyarkkkk kepala aku takleh terima la...so...


Monday, October 27, 2008

When I Grow Up Dance Routine....COOL!!...

Hik..at 1st i watched this video..i was like..damn...that BIG homo..gonna embarassed himself in front of the world BIG TIME!..lol...but i just keep watching bcoz of that PCD song...but as few minutes passed...my jaw went Dropping..not just these guys are good at it...but that FATT..eh no no...that PHATT boy...are really workin "IT"...hehehe...he is such an inspiration..loll..and that twink with the checkered short pants...i just can't take my eyes from him..He "Owns" that dancefloor...hehehe...anyway..enjoy this freakin awesome video...



I learn new stuff from my fren JOEHANJ today...pasal NUFFNANG making money from my own blog...aku macam tertarik bab duit masuk tu kan...tapi kadang2 mcm penin sikit..korunk pun tau kan...aku bukan rajin sgt blogging ni...tapi bile die kata..

"they want real blog with real content
ko blog pasal hidup ko pon da ok
kehidupan tiap orang lain
tak semestinya kena tulis pasal artis ke apa
like you have the gay crowd
ko pakai advantage tu"

I kinda feel good..then..rasa mcm..no hal la kan nk merapu...just be myself...a sarcastic bitch..LOL..am i?...anyway...dalam nk kenal ngan bende2 ni...aku surf website Nuffnang ni..godek2 apa yang patut..getting to know them...read their blog..until aku jumpa pic sorunk blogger wanita yang aku dah lama tk tegur dier sebab rasa bersalah ya amat...aku taknak la citer detail2 masalah ni...apa2 pun..bende ni jadi sebab aku...and god know how miserable i am that time...losing a friend..and a sister...AKU RINDU DIER SGT2 SAMPAI AIR MATA BERGENANG...SAMPAI FONT ENTRY NI PUN AKU PAKAI KALER MERAH...aku ada komen latest entry die tadi...tapi taktau la apa respon die...aku nampak die online..tapi tk berani nk tegur...tapi lepas publish entry ni..kalau die masih online...igt nk tegur...tapi don't know how...belasah je la mcm mana pun...aku nak sebut nama die dalam ni..tapi nampak mcm mengampu...al-maklum she is well known blogger...apa2 pun kakred...i just wanna say that I MISS YOU...and I'M SO SORRY for all the bad thing that happen between us...


Nak Ym die........

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tagged By ISIS NATASHA my fellow blogger...

Hola Malaysia...hik...baru pas mandi..bangun kul 2 petang ari ni..(ahad)...MAKSUTIMAH n husband n AMIRA..dah kuar dgn PARENT MAKSU yg dtg jauh dri singapura semalam...pergi pasaraya hero..masak besar la tu jap agi...*tingat plak cashier hero yg cute nak mampus tu..mcm tk sesuai je die keje situ..sebab terlalu hensem nk keje cashier hero tu...

melalut plak....:P....

Hik...tk sangka nama aku leh muncul dlm kepala ISIS yg dah dikaler kaler tu kan...terharu pun ado...walaupun aku tau statement ni akan dibalas dgn carutan gak..tapi takpe...ko tetap wat aku senyum lite2 tghri ni...

Pic ISIS before kaler rambut...fierce tak?..

Tiba2 je kan?...:P..hik

Ok...aku sambung lik ngan TAG dri ISIS ni ek...here it goes...

motif takleh right klik kat blog ISIS?? pantek sgt..tepaksa taip sebijik sebijik..

Named 5 people you can think of right on the top of your head..Dont' read the question underneath until you write the name of all 5 people..This is a lot funnier if you write the name randomly..No Cheating!!







REMINDER:Don't read ahead unless you fill above names first!!

Siap reminder ni..tk larat...gigih tk..siap letak pic segala...sigh..ngantuk plak lepas makan ni...

Question 1 : How do you meet 1?

Erk..PIJUT?...PIJUT ni laki MAKSUTIMAH..so memula kenal die...ialah masa MAKSUTIMAH mula2 bawak balik rumah tuk dikenalkan ngan adik2 yg lain kan...memula tgk i was like..wahh hensem laki maksu...pandai ko carik bf ek...tapi skang dosi bentat...ops..

Question 2 : On the scale from 1-10..How you rate your relationship with 1?

Erk..kan ke bagus kalau aku letak PENGUIN kt nombo satu..sedap skek citer..:P...tapi dah pijut depan mata aku gelak2 tgk hindustan..tk pasal2 naik nombo 1...anyway...i guess 9?..walaupun kdg2 blur2 skek biler dgr die becakap...kalau sapa minat antm..korunk tgk JAEL..ala2 dier becakap..suasana jadi sunyi jap..sebab org sepatah haram tk paham dier cakap apa..LOLL..but he's fine..

Question 3 : How long have u known 4?

Baru 8-9 bulan cmtu kot...kenal kt main channel SA...besela aku kaki irc kan..tapi bukan menyundal je...sampai skang MELL jadi best fren aku..he's cool...mulut mcm KIMORA..loll..talk about faboulousity like 24/7...even kuih sarang semut die pun..die kasi nama Sarang Semut Faboulousity...he speaks his mind la..eventho rasa mcm nk lempang...aku suke kawan ngan org jujur mcm ni...Kalau org yg tk kenal die?..mmg senang nk membenci die...but underneath that big mouth n LIPS...dier ok je orangnya...

Question 4 : How do you know number 3?

Aku kenal dier thru AMIRA..years ago..masa tu dorunk ala2 kapel..ops..tapi best fren till now...tahun 2003 tk silap...

Question 5 : Where is 5?

Hanany?...*matikla..dier dah start keje kt puchong la tu..sebelum ni..masa die mengangur..aku banyak teman die kt umah..(or is it sebaliknya? :P)...or maybe bz manage MG kot..hiks..tgh delete member2 MG yg nk cecah 6 ribu tu..

Question 6 : A fact about number 1?

He's talkative..walaupun kite takkan paham..hik
..he's a good cook..yeap...rajin mengemas..bertukang...pandai mengurut..untung MAKSU tu..NOPE..he's not a masseur k..pls la...

Question 7 : Who is no 4 going out with?

Huhuhu..bahaya ni...sebab aku sorunk je yang tau pasal bende ni..member2 dier yg lain tktau...even kazen die yg rapat ngan die pun tktau..erm..sum1 la..yang nk belikan die umah...*matikla..

Question 8 : What does no1 do for living?

Dier baru berhenti dri ASTRO...now interview sana sini for new job...ekceli..MAKSUTIMAH tkmo die keje..nk suh sambung study...tapi PIJUT lebih suke bekerje...so...kerje la nok..

Question 9 : Would you live with number 3?

Walaupun aku selesa duk ngan die..i'm not a good housemate...so..prefer duk sendiri je..

Question 10 : What do u like about number 2?

He's naive...cute...jujur..ikhlas..loving..body meletup..yang penting..solat tk tinggal ni...

Question 11 : Do u miss number 5?

Hak ala..koser la..sah2 YM ada...MG ari2 ngadap...tepon...rajin lepak...windu ke hapa..yg aku windu skang si PENGUIN je..

Question 12 : Would you make out with number 4?

Er..ada potensi..LOLL..coz i always think he has the sexiest butt ever..LOLL..but aku lebih selesa ngan situasi kitorunk skang..best fren..that's it..

Question 13 : What your opinion about number 2?

He should take his studying thingy very seriously..i dont wanna him ruined his future just becoz he miss his bf like crazy....that is silly..

Question 14 : What's your favourite memory with number 5?

Ada la skek2..paling best masa pi genting ngan die dan hosmet2 dier...since aku ni jenis jarang jalan jauh kan..kalau ngan dier..ade je plan nk ke mana2..tk bosan la kata orang

Question 15 : What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2?

Haha..walaupun aku paham..he's a good bf to MAKSUTIMAH kan...but i know his taste..so..ala2 AWAS! la jugek..kalau kantoi...wakakakakak..ampun PIJUT..

Question 16 : Ever had a long conversation with number 5?..

We're maybe close...but aku mmg jarang la had a long conversation with all my bestfren termasuk fuzz...coz i'm soo secretive...*word??..:P...tapi dlm 5 org tu...nombo 3 n 4 mmg banyak tau pasal aku la drpd yg len..

Question 17 : Have you ever slept at number 2's house?

I WISH!..LOL...tapi tk pernah lagik...but i know that day will come..

Question 18 : Do you hang out with number 3 often?..

Banyak kali dah...sah2 kenal pun dah lama..rumah die pun rumah ke 2 aku kekdahnya...

Question 19 : Who do u known the longest?


Question 20 : How often do u talk to number 1?

Selalu sgt...walaupun aku rasa dier lebih bercakap kat aku dri aku yg bercakap kat dier kan..loll..

Question 21 : What about number 2?

Sama la..dri YM sampai telefon..dri myspace sampai ke MG..we can't get enuff of each other la..ops...

Question 22 : Have you ever thought number 3 as a friend?

Yeap..he's like my sister...banyaknye soklan die..aku dah mule letih..haha...

Question 23 : Maybe you want to go out with number 5 as a date?

Memang i have a lot of fun n friend 2 friend thingy with FUZZ..but NO..pls la..NEVER la dating segala..

Question 24 : Do u dream about number 2?

Tak pernah...daydreaming dapat jumpa ngan die n spend lots of time with him banyak kali la..huahuahuahua

Question 25 : What did number 4 did to you that u never forget?

He is such a pain in the butt sumtime...but he shares a lot with me than the others...so i feel kinda special sumtime...but not "THAT" special occey..:P

Question 26 : What have you done to number 1 that he never forget?

Erk..rasanya takda...kite baik la...tapi tkde la plak baik tahap membodek atau mengampu..sampai dier tkleh lupe kan...buat jahat jauh sekali....ish..soklan kadang2 tak masuk...

Question 27 : What is number 3's hobby?

MAKSUTIMAH kaki clubbing gak..tapi since bentat n bz ngan kerja...aku leh kata hobi dier layan internet la...MIRC dier punya expertise..haha...bukan chatting bodo2 je...selalu tgk layan script tu script ni..OP sana OP sini...AOP la..IRCHELP la..bende2 blakang tabir la...*bley...pastu kaki donlod software...

Question 28 : Who do you want to tag?

Finally...habis gak soklan die..hahaha...erm..sapa aku nk tag yek..jap..aku check sapa yg still active...aku tgk CACATCINTA dah tak ada..mana pi tataw...PETANDA pun..ala2 lite2 je...FIEBIE dah stop blogging..haish...

Ok...ini 5 org mangsa tag aku...guys..YOU'VE BEEN TAG!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm Back..

Yeap3....after a particularly ugly hiatus..I'm back guys...

Aku teragak-agak nk kembali blogging mcm dulu2..(as if lama sgt la kan) sebab aku takut mcm menipu plak..u guys know how bubbly i am and sarcastic i am sebelum ni...mcm mana nak jadi mcm tu..while my life's like...sinking...i might type.."lol" or "lmao" or sumthin...but outside of this blog...the word suicide just keep coming into my mind...

Ops..did i just paste my freakin face into this blog..hik...mrasa..no more touchup2...so pada sapa yg tk kenal tuan blog...THAT'S ME~...baru lepas snap..muka sentap..dah la tgh selsema..pastu tunggu JOEHANJ santak ke 3 pagi..nasib la dah siap sedia ngan pangai mcm ni kan...maybe aral melintang kan?..PTUIH..tapi tk kisah la..cume kecewa lite2 tk dpt hang out ngan LKY...mampos dicarut carut pas ni...


Tgh carik2 layout baru..but..takda yg aku suka..since aku ni cerewet sangat...baik stick ngan layout ni dulu...feeling2 nk kembalianz ke dunia blogging dgn layout baru segala..tapi layout sumer mcm kims2...

Anyway...It's not 2 late 2 wish u guys..Selamat Hari Raya aite...so...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..

matiler font hijau..konsep raya la sgt kan..raya korunk mcm mana?..
:P..mine was suck..so me goin 2 skip on that...no raya entry this year...


YM aku memekak

Tiba2 penguin aku online...hik..some1 yang aku kenal dri MG..kinda seeing each other rite now..lovin each other bagai nk rak ni...phonexxx dah..c2c pun dah..*matila detail matilah me!..cume lum jumpa je lagi...i'm not gonna say he's my new bf..but damn i wish he's mine...19yo from IPOH...bz study..so..susah skek nk jumpa...kiter panggil die PENGUIN je la ek...aku mmg suke kasi nickname2 ni...nick paling gempak aku kasi..

Ratu Kepok ngan Ratu Penampar...hik..mana pegi la dorunk2 ni..lama tk tgk drama adik2 kan?..

Aku sambil2 update ni..aku mengupdate kan diri tgk America's Next Top Model cycle 11...mmg minat sgt2 la antm..start tgk dri season 2 sampai la 11 ni...feveret aku tuk cycle 11 ni...LAUREN BRIE...tapi syg sgt2..dier terkeluar dlm episode 7 sebab personaliti yg tak menyerlah...this is like the worst elimination after KATARZYNA (antm cycle 10)..it's pretty sad coz LAUREN's always been taking great photos..just one bad week..then she is sent away?..patutnya SHEENA yg kuar...owh yeah that korean hoochie mama..pls..buat video clip tuk eminem sambil goyang tetek lagi baek la...she is not even modelesque...LAUREN BRIE may not have Jael's (antm cycle 8) spread-the-joy-around-the-universe attitude...but she is sooo gonna make it big in the industry...this is some of her gorgeus pics and its my favourite 2 actually...pic yang dekat belon api tu TYRA kata top 5 the best picture in antm history k...yg lagi 4 pic apa? tataw...

Tak pasal2 jer dpt review antm kan..hik..ni baru antm...belum dpt review heroes season 3 lagik...pundek la ARES ni..aku tk paham napa die tkleh online...asik connecting jer dri tadi..last aku tgk heroes episode 3...time lptp ni kene serang ngan virus apa tah..tubi2 masuk sampai C ngan D aku sume hilang..tk pasal2 kene format balik..habis sumer pic2 aku pic kawan..pic PENGUIN yg aku men edit2 ngan photoshop hilang..aku plak jenis yg tk reti wat backup..hah mampos la file2 aku di situ...sumer nyer gara2 excited donlod heroes...tu pun kire tak serik lagi ni...still pasang niat nk donlod lagi..dulu aku donlod season 2 punya HEROES tkde masalah pun...puas hati je tgk...eeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii geram...

Owh ye...dlm aku menyepi ni pun...aku tgk Chatbox kt sebelah ni tetap meriah kan..Thanks 2 korunk2 yg still singgah sini masa ketiadaan aku..*gitulah bahasa...to FIFTH...tag anda akan dibalas..i promise..walaupun payah kan..sebab kene tunjuk muka sendiri...tapi FIFTH punya pasal..kenela gegehh ye dak..to SDV..thx for the invitation..to EDDYSHAH..i'm not into nudity..but thanks for the invitation...err and thanks for promoting ur nude blog in my chatbox...to ME27885BSB/NBD...KO HENGAT NI BLOG SHERITA??..matilah kau kat situ..anyway thanks sebab singgah sini..*bley~...to LOUIE..selamat hari raya also...to SWEETIE..kite bukak blog awak..tapi nan ado..tak cukup gegeh agaknya...

Gambar Hiasan

Nampak tak belakang tu...bukan tayang sofa..apatah lagi hantu ye...HARI DAH PAGI..dan aku tak tido lagik...sambil blog..sambil tgk utube..sambil menyumpah JOHANJ..well at least i finished my come back entries...*gitu..K la weh..aku nk tido...sambil mimpikan..

ADI SIXTH SENSE..lol..harus la ADI tarik lagu TAK BISA MEMILIH MU lepas tgk pic ni kan..ala..layan mimpi je...takkan nk layan mimpi ngan...

FAZURA plak kan?..hikhik..walaupun kita sharing2 roti nan..tapi perasaan aku kat ADI tetap tak berubah..*MATILA ME!..aku nk brag nanti ada org kata jakun..but for sum1 like me..dpt lepak2 skali ngan FAZURA n ADI..is the coolest thing ever..they r soo down to earth...dorunk cool je walaupun ada org tu peclob aku ni gayboy kan..mcm ke babi...