Baru lepas call Baby..tgh tunggu giliran nak memandu..die tgh amik lesen memandu btw..anyway Baby...hati2 di jalan raya...jangan terlanggar orang sudah...tabahkan diri masa naik bukit...sebab naik bukit mmg selalu masalah kan?..tapi taktau la kalau ngan Baby..bende tu hujung2 kuku je..huahuaha...
Anyway...melangoknya aku di sini pepagi buta...sebab nk kongsi beberapa kuiz personaliti yang aku layan tadi..dan beberapa result yg ada...lately ni aku asik layan kuiz2 ringkas yang ada kat facebook looks like fun..and it is Fun doing it...tapi makin lama aku tgk kuiz nye..makin lama makin bodo..sebab pengguna facebook dibenarkan membuat kuiz sendiri...kalau yg betul2 seronok tak apa lagi...kuiz sesama member dimaafkan lagi..tapi kuiz mcm ni?
Seberapa comelkah anda?
Korunk bakal senior yang poyos..atau sebaliknya?
Sebusuk manakah kaki anda?
Macam mana tahap kepondananmu?
Seriously?... salah satu bende menarik yg aku jumpa masa duk layan kuiz2 ni...
Stress pictures: Check your stress level
The slower the pictures move, the better your ability of handling stress.
Alleged criminals see them spinning around madly while seniors and kids see them still
Alleged criminals see them spinning around madly while seniors and kids see them still
Korunk tgk bergerak tak...kalau aku yang tengok..mmg bergerak...tapi tak la spinning around madly...but it did move...berombak-ombak katanya...
There's another one...
Stress test: Discover what is causing you stress!
This test is actually about the cause of recent stress.
Choose three scenarios out of these four:
- A group of people taking photographs
- A galloping horse
- A house with a garden
- A statue of the goddess Venus
This test is actually about the causes of recent stress and the vital scenario is the one you left out.
If you left out the one with the
- Group of people taking pictures:
This means that you're very tired with your relationships right now
- Galloping horse:
This means that you are tired and stressed over work recently.
- House with the garden
This means that you are tired with some matters concerning your family or household lately
- Statue of Venus
This means that you are stressed over matters of the heart. Not exactly relationship problems, but more to do with being tired of trying to settling things with your girlfriend/boyfriend.
I left out that galloping horse...
And yeah,'s true...
Anyway..bukanlah aku nak kompang aku stress ke ape...i just want to show you guys...that this quiz gimme a real answer...because it is a real quiz...
Ada lagi jawapan2 yang menarik..hasil soal jawab dalam kuiz yg aku buat kali ni...
Human resource department - This is a real personality test given by the human relations department at many of the major corporations today.
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
Emotions test - Do you have a healthy attitude towards your emotions?
Your attitude towards your emotions is a healthy one. You aren't ashamed to let your emotions show occasionally, and you will undoubtedly be much healthier because of this attitude. You are likely to be a good social advisor.
Ngeh3... ekceli takda la betul semuanya...but kebanyakan la...huahua..*did'nt mean to brag...just sharing it with you guys...
11.10 a.m
Sambung tido&Mish my Baby-Out